World languages
Noughts and crosses with pronouns
This can be used for any tense - give students a verb and they must conjugate it correctly to put their x or o onto the board.
Timetable wrap up
Wrap up to recap describing a timetable.
Deutsch Unit Cover Sheet
Students can tick these off the coversheet when they understand them or use as a reviewing tool.
3 Arten einen Film zu sehen
Gap fill taken from the transcript to accompany the listening '3 Arten einen Film zu sehen' for higher ability students.
Target Sheet
Target sheet for students to record their test results.
reviewing Personal info/school
List of sentences in English to translate into French.
Halloween missing letters
Write in the missing letters to create the correct halloween vocabulary. Useful starter/wrap up.
en ville missing letters
Write in the missing letters to create the correct places in a town vocabulary. Useful to start or wrap up.
Die Staedte in Deutschland
Word search based on the famous cities in Germany. Useful to start or wrap up.
Am Markt wordsearch
Wordsearch on the topic of 'at the market'. Useful wrap up or for cover work.
les vacances missing letters
Write in the missing letters to create the correct holiday vocabulary. Useful starter/wrap up.
In meiner Schultasche wordsearch
Wordsearch based on school bag vocabulary. Useful starter/wrap up or for cover work.
Hast du Geschwister?
Handout: brothers/sisters. Fill in the table based on a reading exercize and use the examples sentences to write about yourself.
le corps missing letters
Write in the missing letters to create the correct parts of the body vocabulary. Useful starter/wrap up.
Was hast du in deinem Zimmer? match up
Match up activity of useful bedroom furniture vocabulary. Useful for starter/wrap up.
Regular past participles match up
Match up activity of regular past participles. Useful for starter/wrap up.
Obst match up
Match up activity of useful fruit vocabulary. Useful for start or end of a lesson.
Meine Familie zero and crosses
Zero and crosses game to show on whiteboard. Students come to the front to participate in the game. Useful starter/wrap up.
Mein Tagesprogramm missing letters
Fill in the missing letters to create the correct daily routine vocabulary. Useful starter/wrap up.
Im Cafe missing letters
Fill in the missing letters to create the correct cafe vocabulary. Useful starter/wrap up.